In the Values Statement of our parish we read, “NEXT GENERATION:
Our children and youth have an important part in the life of our community. We value Catholic education. Therefore, we commit to good and faithful cooperation with the Catholic Schools of our parish. We strive to offer our young people a life-giving experience of the living Church, forming them as disciples of Jesus Christ.”
September is always a new beginning for everything specially it is new begin for our school pastoral plan 2017- 2018, for that reason it is a great pleasure for me to welcome the principal, parents and all staff members of our Saint Lawrence Elementary Catholic School. Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year. I hope that your summer was relaxing and enjoyable and that there was plenty of time for fun, family and friends. I extend a special welcome to new students and their families and especially to our kindergarten.
As Parish Community of Saint Lawrence share the desire to have our children develop to the best of their abilities. Academic success is influenced by what is expected at home as well as at school. We celebrate and appreciate everyone’s continued support and look forward to having each and every one of you be active participants at St. Lawrence Catholic School. All parents are invited and encouraged to be part of our Saint Lawrence The Martyr Parish.
I look forward to meeting each one of you and being a part of such a vibrant and caring community School. Best wishes for a great 2017 – 2018!
Embracing this vision, students, teachers and staff of St. Lawrence Catholic School celebrate monthly Mass at the parish. The first School Mass will take place this Thursday, September 21 at 12:30 pm. Parents, grandparents and all parishioners are welcome to join this celebration