St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish – Hamilton

Where faith builds community | 125 Picton St. E., Hamilton, ON L8L 0C5

Category: Covid-19

From the Pastor : Appeal to Parishioners and Friends

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

An appeal to all parishioners and friends of St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish:

It is sometimes presumed that St. Lawrence, and other churches are funded through a communal fund.  This is not the case.  Our church relies entirely on our Sunday collections and our fall fundraisers to keep the bills paid and the doors open at St. Lawrence.  Covid-19 has required us to close the church, and as such, it has cut off our regular income for the parish. Unfortunately, in spite of the Masses being postponed, our bills must still be paid. So today I appeal to you.

Dear parishioners, if you are able to continue to contribute to the parish, your ongoing support would be greatly appreciated and is indeed greatly needed at this time.

You can continue to contribute in one of two ways:

  1. Donate on our website :  On the right side panel of our website you will see a “Donate Now” button.  Through our donation page ( ) you can contribute either a one-time donation or set up a monthly contribution.  This option is provided by a trusted organization called CanadaHelps, which is used by most parishes in our diocese as well as many other Canadian charities.  When you make a donation, you will receive a confirmation of your donation and a tax receipt immediately from CanadaHelps by email. 

This option accepts major credit cards as well as Visa and Mastercard Debit options.

  • By Cheque:  Consider writing a cheque payable to St. Lawrence Church for the amount you would normally contribute for the next few Sundays and mail the cheque to the church: 125 Picton Street E. Hamilton, ON L8L 0C5    ***Please do not mail cash***

Many of you have had your income affected by lay-offs, shut downs and reduced work hours; if that is the case for you, please take care of your families.  In no way should you feel obligated to endure undue hardship to support the Parish. 

These are unprecedented times.  Please know that I am remembering all of you, in my daily prayers.  By God’s Grace, may we emerge from this crisis quickly and once again come together in our beloved church as a community filled with faith.

Our Lady of the Annunciation, Pray for Us.

God Bless,

Father Peter

Covid 19 – Update

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

The most recent updates from Bishop Crosby’s office have provided further guidance for all churches in the diocese. Specifically:

Masses and Church Opening

All Masses are cancelled until further notice, AND churches are to be closed at all times. Churches are not permitted to open even for a few hours each day for prayer. St. Lawrence had been open for private prayer up to yesterday. The church is now closed. The parish office can be contacted between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. by phone or email. Email is the preferred method of contact as this can be responded to easily at any time.

Pastors are encouraged to celebrate Mass privately each day for the intentions of their parishioners, for the medical personnel assisting the sick and for and end to the COVID-19 outbreak. Fr. Peter will be celebrating daily Mass privately as suggested.

Prayer at Home

In this time of fasting from the Eucharist, parishioners should be encouraged to pray for other parishioners, and for all those whose lives are being affected by the virus. The Rosary, prayerful reading of the Sacred Scripture and other devotions are recommended.


Funeral Masses are not permitted at this time. Private internment at the grave site with immediate family only will be permitted. Funeral Mass can be celebrated once restrictions are lifted.


No scheduled confessions are permitted. The sacrament may be celebrated by appointment provided that social distance can be maintained.


It is recommended that Baptisms be postponed until restrictions are lifted.


The Eucharist is not to be taken to parishioners who are homebound at this time and it is not possible to bring Eucharist to seniors residences or nursing homes.


His Excelency Bishop Douglas Crosby dispenses all the Elect from the celebration of the Scrutinies.