St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish – Hamilton

Where faith builds community | 125 Picton St. E., Hamilton, ON L8L 0C5

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Catechetical- Sunday-2017

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

The Office for Evangelization and Catechesis has prepared English-language resources for celebrating Catechetical Sunday 2017. The theme, Missionary Disciples in the Vineyard of the Lord, focuses on four topics: catechists are called to be missionary disciples, facilitate encounters with Christ, accompany others, and live in solidarity with the poor and marginalized. The resources are available on CCCB website at

The resources can be used at any time throughout the pastoral year by clergy, directors of religious education, parish pastoral workers, chaplains, Catholic teachers and parents to emphasize the special role of the catechist. They have been designed in such a way that they can be used for reflection by individuals or in larger group settings. Dioceses and parishes may wish to use the liturgical suggestions for a special blessing of catechists either on Sunday, 1 October 2017, or at another time when catechists are gathered together.

Parish Pastoral Council

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton


When Jesus first came among us, he offered us a whole new way of living. In the Gospel, we learn that we have been invited to be branches connected to the vine of the Lord, to eat the bread of everlasting life and to hear words of truth, words that endure forever. This is the mission of the Church in and through the ministry of the parish each Parish has the Mission to proclaim the Good News to all people in all ways, here and now.

All of us are mindful that the New Evangelization is not one specific action, but rather a way of seeing a whole range of activities carried on by the Parish to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Like a family, the parish is an organic community shaped by particular relationships. With the Pope as pastor of the Universal Church, the local church is shepherded by the Bishop.  e Pastor is the Bishop’s representative in the parish and the pastor is responsible to the Bishop for the life and vitality of the parish. For the Pastor, carrying out the mission of the parish is dependent on the full and active participation of the faithful laity.

For this reason, it is important that in each Parish should have a Parish Pastoral Council when the pastor see it is necessary for the good of the Parish. A Parish Pastoral Council is an important consultative body that comes together under the direction of the pastor to provide him advice and support for the good of the parish community.

During these past months, I have been working on it with the intension to get this important piece in the structure of our Parish. In the next coming weeks I will introduce the new Parish Pastoral council to all of you.

My hope is that this Parish Pastoral Council will assist me as pastor and you parishioners alike in revitalizing our Parish Life and to get a more fervent and vibrant experience of God’s love poured out in our Parish.


2000 HAIL MARY OCTOBER, 7- 2017

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

We invite all churches, church groups and schools to participate in our 2000 Hail Mary on Saturday October 7, 2017.  Please call or text Anna at (905) 517-8777 or Mercy (905) 526-8231 to sign up for a time slot.  More than one group can take a time slot.  You may also visit or sign up on our Facebook page.

We will start with opening prayers and the Luminous Mysteries and then commence The 2000 Hail Mary which will be divided into 20 blocks of 100 Hail Mary to be said in 25 minute sessions.  Each block is leader led.   Many churches and groups have already signed up for time slots and this list will be updated on our Facebook page as more join in. Feel free to come and join any group. Many enjoy spending the whole day with us.  Throughout the day, we will have refreshments available in the church hall.

We would like everyone to come back for the 7:00 p.m. Holy Mass with an outdoor candlelight procession to follow. Many children have never participated in an outdoor procession so this would be a great opportunity to take part in such a memorable event.  Also, if children would like to wear communion outfits or traditional dress of their country, it would make the Mass and Procession even more beautiful. We will have a burning of petitions during the Procession.  After the procession, we invite you to come to the church hall for refreshments and fellowship.


Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton


Please join me in welcoming Patricia Leblanc to our St. Lawrence Parish family. Patricia is starting her job as our new Parish secretary on September 5. She is an active and faithful Christian mother of two children and grandmother of three grandchildren. Patricia comes to us with mix of experiences in human service and education.

She lives with her family in Hamilton Downtown. Please give your love and warm welcome to Patricia as she transitions into her new role as our parish secretary. The new opening hours of the Parish are Tuesday to Friday. Patricia Leblanc, our Parish Secretary, will now assume the new position of Parish secretary and administration.

Her work hours are Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 1:00pm.You can contact her at our parish office for any of your queries.

New school Year 2017-2018

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton


In the Values Statement of our parish we read, “NEXT GENERATION:Our children and youth have an important part in the life of our community. We value Catholic education. Therefore, we commit to good and faithful cooperation with the Catholic Schools of our parish. We strive to offer our young people a life-giving experience of the living Church, forming them as disciples of Jesus Christ.”

September is always a new beginning for everything specially it is new begin for our school pastoral plan 2017- 2018, for that reason it is a great pleasure for me to welcome the principal, parents and all staff members of our Saint Lawrence Elementary Catholic School. Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year. I hope that your summer was relaxing and enjoyable and that there was plenty of time for fun, family and friends. I extend a special welcome to new students and their families and especially to our kindergarten.

As Parish Community of Saint Lawrence share the desire to have our children develop to the best of their abilities. Academic success is influenced by what is expected at home as well as at school. We celebrate and appreciate everyone’s continued support and look forward to having each and every one of you be active participants at St. Lawrence Catholic School. All parents are invited and encouraged to be part of our Saint Lawrence The Martyr Parish.
I look forward to meeting each one of you and being a part of such a vibrant and caring community School. Best wishes for a great 2017 – 2018!


Embracing this vision, students, teachers and staff of St. Lawrence Catholic School celebrate monthly Mass at the parish. The first School Mass will take place this Thursday, September 21 at 12:30 pm. Parents, grandparents and all parishioners are welcome to join this celebration



Fundraising Events-2017

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

NIBBLES & BIDS LOONIE TOONIE AUCTION ‐ Friday November 3 -2017 th

Doors Open at 6pm. Auction Starts at 7pm. Admission is $5 (incl. Auction Program, light food and refreshments). Tickets are now on sale!
Nibbles & Bids is just 8 weeks away!
If you’d like to make a donation or advertise in our program, please contact us by October15.

We are looking for Gift Cards, Gift Certificates, Gift baskets, prizes or monetary donations for our Auction. All funds raised will go to our Building Fund. Tax receipts are available.
Advertising and Special Intension spaces (business card size) are also available in our Event Program, for a donation of just $50.
For more information or to donate, please contact Alissa at (905)308‐1576. or the Secretary of the Parish Office: (905 529 3921)