Our Mission Statement reminds us about the value of DISCIPLESHIP:
At the end of his earthly journey Jesus said to his followers, “Go and make disciples!” We welcome the great commission of Christ and strive to grow as his disciples as we reach out to those who are searching for their spiritual home. We promote active participation in the life of our faith community.
This active participation is truly an answer to our faith commitment made at our Baptism. So this weekend we celebrate in appreciation those who embrace their service to the St. Lawrence community.
We invite our Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Ushers, Choir Members, Committee Members, Event and Fundraising Volunteers, all those who help with our Children’s Liturgy and Community Sunday initiatives, those who have helped in the preparation of various sacraments and Masses, who help maintain the church, those who prepare our weekly bulletin, who offered their time to set up for events, who garden and decorate and to anyone who has lent a helping hand in anyway.
It takes a community of people, working together, to make St. Lawrence a better Parish. Let us celebrate and pray for true discipleship in our parish!