St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish – Hamilton

Where faith builds community | 125 Picton St. E., Hamilton, ON L8L 0C5

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Novena to St.Lawrence – August 1st to 9th

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

A novena is a series of public or private prayers that are said for nine days to obtain special graces, to implore special favours or to make special petitions. The word ‘novena’ comes from the Latin novem, which means ‘nine’. The nine-day prayer recalls the nine days that the Apostles along with the Blessed Virgin Mary and other women spent in prayer between the day of the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost Sunday.

The Novena to St. Lawrence will be said daily from August 1st to August 9th during the Mass (when scheduled) and individually when there is no Mass Scheduled at St. Lawrence. Praying the Novena we will thank God for all the graces we have received since our last annual feast and we will implore special favours for our parish community.

The Prayers that accompany each day of the Novena are included below:

Online Donation Tax Receipts

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

If you made a donation online (either through the link on our website or using one of the QR codes we have posted in the church, your receipt is issued by Canada Helps. You should have received it by email when you made the donation. If you would like to download a receipts for all your online donations to St. Lawrence (and any other charity that you donated to via you can do so from this link

Upcoming celebration of Sacraments

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

If you have a child in Grade 2 or Grade 7, please be advised that the sacraments of Communion and Confirmation will be celebrated on the following dates:

First Reconciliation – Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 11:30 a.m.
First Communion – Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
Confirmation – Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. 

If your child attends St. Lawrence School, preparation for the sacraments will happen at the school and any notifications related to the sacraments will be sent out by letter or email from the school as appropriate.

If your child does not attend St. Lawrence School but you would like them to participate in the sacraments, please call the Parish office to make arrangements.

All families participating in the sacraments are encouraged to join us in the church on Sundays for Sunday Mass at 11:00 a.m.

Summer Mass Times Update

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

This summer, our scheduled Mass times are as follows:

Monday – No Mass
Tuesday – 7:00 p.m. (confessions at 6:30)
Wednesday – 12 Noon
Thursday – 7:00 p.m. (confessions/adoration at 6:30)
Friday – 12 Noon

Saturday 10:00 a.m. (confessions at 9:30)
Sunday 11:00 a.m.