St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish – Hamilton

Where faith builds community | 125 Picton St. E., Hamilton, ON L8L 0C5

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Tax Receipts for 2022

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

Charitable Tax receipts for 2022 have been delivered/mailed. If you made a donation to the Parish in 2022 through our envelopes and did not receive a receipt, please contact the parish office.

Online donations are receipted by our online gift platform – CanadaHelps.

They don’t mail out paper receipts but rather they issue them online via email – to download your receipts from them go to and follow the instructions on that page.  

The Bible Speaks – Bible Sunday

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

The inspiration for #TheBibleSpeaks comes from Pope Francis’ letter for the conclusion of the Year of Mercy, Misericordia et misera, #7, in which he states, “It would be beneficial if every Christian community, on one Sunday of the liturgical year, could renew its efforts to make the Sacred Scriptures better known and more widely diffused. It would be a Sunday given over entirely to the word of God, so as to appreciate the inexhaustible riches contained in that constant dialogue between the Lord and his people.”

Click here to find out more (Diocese of Hamilton Resource)

Rosary for Peace

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

This Friday on the Solemnity of the Annunciation you are invited to pray the rosary for peace, especially in Ukraine and in union with Pope Francis to consecrate Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Prayer will be held at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King on Friday March 25th at 11am, it will also be live streamed on their YouTube channel.