St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish – Hamilton

Where faith builds community | 125 Picton St. E., Hamilton, ON L8L 0C5

2000 HAIL MARY OCTOBER, 7- 2017

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

We invite all churches, church groups and schools to participate in our 2000 Hail Mary on Saturday October 7, 2017.  Please call or text Anna at (905) 517-8777 or Mercy (905) 526-8231 to sign up for a time slot.  More than one group can take a time slot.  You may also visit or sign up on our Facebook page.

We will start with opening prayers and the Luminous Mysteries and then commence The 2000 Hail Mary which will be divided into 20 blocks of 100 Hail Mary to be said in 25 minute sessions.  Each block is leader led.   Many churches and groups have already signed up for time slots and this list will be updated on our Facebook page as more join in. Feel free to come and join any group. Many enjoy spending the whole day with us.  Throughout the day, we will have refreshments available in the church hall.

We would like everyone to come back for the 7:00 p.m. Holy Mass with an outdoor candlelight procession to follow. Many children have never participated in an outdoor procession so this would be a great opportunity to take part in such a memorable event.  Also, if children would like to wear communion outfits or traditional dress of their country, it would make the Mass and Procession even more beautiful. We will have a burning of petitions during the Procession.  After the procession, we invite you to come to the church hall for refreshments and fellowship.