St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish – Hamilton

Where faith builds community | 125 Picton St. E., Hamilton, ON L8L 0C5

Children’s Rosary

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

As part of our  Marion Devotion which is held the First Saturday of every month in the church at 10:00 am, the children along with the sisters of the Fraternity Poor of Jesus Christ  came together last Saturday  for the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass and prayed the  Joyful Mysteries.  Led by Michael, from the Altar, the children did a beautiful job in leading the Rosary. 

“The Children’s Rosary is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us “Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:3). The Children’s Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.”

For more information about the children’s rosary initiative you can visit