St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish – Hamilton

Where faith builds community | 125 Picton St. E., Hamilton, ON L8L 0C5

Parish Bulletin – Sunday March 29, 2020, the Fifth Sunday of Lent

Published / by St. Lawrence Hamilton

During the time that our church is closed due to COVID restrictions, the bulletin will be posted weekly as a post on our website.

From the Pastor’s Desk

I am the resurrection and the life.

Jesus’ words gave hope and courage to Martha after she had lost her brother Lazarus. Today also the Lord wants us to remember that He is our resurrection and life, that only in Him we can find salvation and all that is good. He is our refuge and our safe harbour especially at the time of adversity.

The Fifth Sunday of Lent opens the second part of Lent (Passiontide) that is dedicated to the Passion of the Lord. Traditionally, at this time we cover crosses, statues and images in our churches. This practice of veiling refers to the 8th Chapter of St. John’s Gospel where we can read that Jesus hid himself: So, they took up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple (John 8:59). Let us reflect on the Passion of the Lord especially by praying the Stations of the Cross.

Although we cannot come together to celebrate either Masses or the Stations of the Cross at this time, we may be united in prayer through the Internet and social media. We may attend Mass on TV or the Internet daily. This Sunday’s Mass was streamed live from our church at 11 am on our parish Facebook page.

All the booked Mass intentions are being offered during my private Masses.

God bless,

Fr. Peter

This week’s Mass Intentions

Tuesday March 31 – Leonel Canao by Isabel Canao

Wednesday April 1 – Giuseppe Cavigliano by Rosa Cavigliano

Thursday April 2 – Stanley Siek – by Patrick Sullivan and Anna Kocmarek

Friday April 3 – Giorgio Barresi by Antonio and Franca Frisina

Saturday April 4 – Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Sunday’s Readings

FOCUS: Those who believe in Jesus and walk in his ways will never die.
Our worldly desires bind us up in burial cloths fashioned from our sins that block the will of God from our sight. By putting aside selfish ways and trusting in God’s love and mercy, we allow Christ to call us forth from death so that we might lead a resurrected life in the Spirit.

In the first reading, God promises life and liberty to the Israelites. In the second reading, Saint Paul reminds the Romans that they must strive to overcome their sinful natures so as to live in union with Christ. In the Gospel, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead and makes the bold proclamation that those who believe in him will never die.

1st Reading – Ezekiel 37.12-14

2nd Reading – Romans 8.8-11

Gospel John – 11.1-45

Prayers of the Faithful

PRIEST: Trusting in the life-giving power of the Spirit, we lift up our prayers and petitions to our Father in heaven.
1) That all leaders and members of the Church may be graced with the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
2) That world leaders may be helped by God in putting aside selfish agendas, and seek justice and equality for the people under their care, let us pray to the Lord.
3) That those who are in mourning may be consoled by God in their grief and made confident in the hope of resurrection for their loved ones, let us pray to the Lord.
4) That all the members of this faith community may receive the mercy of God for themselves, and with his help, offer it to others, let us pray to the Lord.
5) That our beloved dead and all those who have died may know the joy and fullness of life in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
PRIEST: Merciful Father, with humble confidence we ask you to hear these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son.

In the Parish

The church continues to be closed due to COVID 19 . The office is closed, but the parish secretary is working remotely and can respond to inquiries by email or you can leave a message on the parish answering machine and we’ll return your call within 24 hrs.

If you need to speak with the pastor in case of an emergency you can call the emergency number 365-888-1275.

There are a number of restrictions regarding visits to hospitals, communion and celebration of sacraments. For further clarification please read this article: